If you receive the Item / Coil ID Mismatch warning in Vend IT shown below. This means that we have received product sales from Seed Live for an item that is not registered in the app.

Here you will see in this example product 0052 was sold for $1. This means that this Coil ID (0052) is not registered in the app. To fix this problem you need to add a new coil to the app with Coil ID of 0052 and give it an associated Product Name. 

Alternatively if you believe this is an error or a temporary problem. You can elect to ignore this error for a week to see if it comes back. Turn on the Ignore error for 7 days switch at the bottom and then press Close. This will hide the error for a week and it will only return if the problem persists.

This error message almost always indicates that a product / coil is not registered in the app. However it can also be caused if you change the column mappings in Seed Live. 

You may wish to review the article on Seed Live Column Mappings if you want your Coil IDs to be more human friendly.