Follow the instructions below to have Device Alerts delivered from Seed Live to Vend IT for display in the app. 

Login to your Seed Live account and navigate to Reports > Report Register

Click Create

Select Report Name: Device Alerts

Press Button: Select All

Press Add Transport

On the Add Transport Screen you should enter the following (you can copy and paste):

Transport Name: Vend IT Device Alerts

Transport Type: Email


Press Test Transport once the above have been entered.

Once the screen says Transport Result Success: "mailto:" you can press Add Transport

You will see the message below. Then you can close the window:

The last step here is to press Save

You should now see the Device Alerts report registered as follows:

You are now fully configured to receive Device Alerts in Vend IT. 

If you receive nuisance alerts such as Door Opened every time you stock the machine you may wish to turn those off by unchecking the boxes and saving the report again.

See Device Alerts article on how alerts are displayed in Vend IT