Vend IT can now track all of the expiry dates for your products sold. It can track both short term products like sandwiches and also the long term dates on shelf stable products like chocolate bars etc.
To get started tracking expiry dates on a product you should turn on Track Expiry Dates while in the Edit Trays mode.
If you have products with a short shelf life like Sandwiches or Salads you can also select Short Shelf Life and enter the usual shelf life you have with those products. The number of days entered can be changed at anytime and it only serves to help you entering the actual expiry date later.
If you turn on expiry date tracking for an existing product the stock count for that coil in the machine will be reset to zero until you enter the expiry dates. So if you are changing an existing live machine it would be best to make the change at the machine so you can then enter the dates and stock after.
Now when you stock your machines you will see a different button for products where you are tracking expiry dates
Pressing Add Stock will open the stock window for expiry dates.
The Expiry Date will be pre-loaded either with # days (for short shelf life products). Or for non short shelf life products the app will remember the last date entered for this product so you should only need to change it when you receive a new product case with different dates.
Tap the date to open the date editor. In the editor you can tap the month and year to quickly select a different month / year.
Once you have entered your first set of dates for a product it should be easier the second time as it will remember dates for you.
Once you have the correct expiry date selected. You can press Stock Full # Items. This will fill the machine full with items all expiring on the date you entered.
If you are only adding a few items or items with different dates you should enter the number of items then press the Add # Items button.
Once you items & dates are added it will look like below. You can swipe left on any item to remove it or press Remove All Dates to remove them all.
Vend IT will ensure items are monitored in the correct chronological order however you of course need to stock the coil in the correct chronological order as well. With earlier dates at the front.
Once your expiring stock is entered you are now going to see an additional line on each product. It will show you the number of dates to the next expiring product and the number of products that have that date.
You will also see messages of Expired, Today or Tomorrow indicating products are either already expired, will expire Today or Tomorrow
Menu Item View App Expiry Dates will open a window for you to review all of the products and their next expiring item.
Once you are all set with Expiry Dates. You will see a new icon in your Locations screen. Showing Red when you have products expired or about to expire, yellow for products that have a 1 day expiry left and green for products where there is 2 or more days on the expiry date.
Expiring products is a new feature for us in October 2023 so if you have any suggestions you would like us to implement to make your tracking better please let us know.